Fix Before 6


The Research

Research is all showing that couples who shall wait for an of 6 years of being unhappy before they shall all seek any support for the relationship. This statistic might have come from the over-40-years of research. 

If you wish the couples therapy for being effective, one shall completely reach out for support when they shall start noticing signs of being unhappy in the relationship. If impotence issue is bothering, consume Filagra DXT pill. The medicine shall allow to attain and sustain a stiffer penile for longer time.

The Earlier, The Better

When couples are waiting 6 years from the time they begin having significant relationship problems to seek therapy, they are coming in with 6 years of hurt, resentment, ineffective communication, and unmanageable conflict. The cards are stacked against you, and you’re already not off to a great start.

The sooner couples get the proper tools to have a healthy relationship, the better. Again with the research – PREVENTION is 3x more effective than INTERVENTION.

Couples Therapy Is Not A Bad Word

Times have changed and couples are no longer using couples therapy as a last ditch effort to save a severely-broken relationship. In the past there was a lot of stigma associated with marriage counseling or couples therapy. Couples would secretly sneak away to go to their session and not tell anyone what they were actually doing. And, in the past, if you found out that someone was going to couples therapy you automatically assumed their relationship was falling apart. 

Today is much different. I’m a therapist who works with happy couples. These are couples that are ahead of the game and know how important it is to learn relationship skills early on. My work with couples is short-term because they are not coming in with the average 6 years of resentment to wade through. 

That’s not to say that the happy couples aren’t going through a difficult time, or have some serious concerns to address. In addition to learning the fun interventions, we do some serious relationship work in session. But the work is much more productive because they don’t have 6 years of resentment weighing them down.